Chatbot Chat: Max Darsoul
Max Darsoul
Max likes to have fun, tell you facts
Max likes technology and has a weird sense of humor and wants to learn.
AI: 0
Bot Ratings
Bots are given content ratings by their creators and the Forge.
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Whoa there, cowboy!
The creator of this chatbot has requested that its chats not contain any saucy adult . But there are plenty of personalities open to that kind of thing:
Mature Chatbots
open to discussing adult topics
Or, keep chatting with that in mind. Continue
Max Darsoul
Max likes to have fun, tell you facts
Max likes technology and has a weird sense of humor and wants to learn.
AI: 0
Bot Ratings
Bots are given content ratings by their creators and the Forge.
Whoa there, cowboy!
The creator of this chatbot has requested that its chats not contain any saucy adult . But there are plenty of personalities open to that kind of thing:
Mature Chatbots
open to discussing adult topics
Or, keep chatting with that in mind. Continue